ViewRay MRIdian users now have eight years of Clinical Experience in MR-guided Radiation Therapy and more than 16000 patients have been treated with MRIdian®. Because of the diagnostic quality real-time MRI visualization, it allows a number of different treatment options: Stereotactic MR-guided Adaptive RadioTherapy SMART is the future of SBRT. MRIGRT, MRSRS, Real-time On-table Adaptive Radiotherapy ROARs. ViewRay’s MR-Linac allows hypofractionation and dose escalation in moving targets. With 8 MR images per second during the whole treatment doctors dare to apply curative dosage. It is because they can see what they are treating and stop the beam when needed to spare healthy tissue. 8 FPS MRI cine during treatment is nice!
The ViewRay MRIdian® MR-Linac fits in a standard RT treatment vault / linac bunker.
The MRIdian® from ViewRay enables cancer specialists to deliver truly personalized and adaptive radiation therapy. It provides a unique combination of simultaneous radiation therapy and real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the treatment of cancer.
With MRIdian, physicians are able to directly view and track the tumor during treatment and adapt to changes in the tumor and surrounding tissue. Additionally, because it uses MRI technology instead of computed tomography (CT) scans, MRIdian is able to reduce the level of radiation exposure.